Suspension Seminar 2025

The last weekend in October is looking like an appropriate date to start...25th / 26th
The Technical Insight Course is a pre-requisite for the other exceptions.
Technical insight Seminar.....2 Days 25th / 26th    $795
Covers all aspects of suspension. Springs friction etc. Damping. Design and function.
Make no mistake. This is not a "Basic" course and delves deeply into the subject.
You will know more than most tuners by the end of this course.
Workshop or "Hands On" course....2 days 27th / 28th   $849
This is not a demonstration....
After initial examples are torn down and rebuilt....Students will disassemble and reassemble "their own" suspension under the guidance of one of our technicians. All tips of the trade and additional considerations will be provided. You will be operating in a fully functional workshop environment.....Due to available space, positions are limited and filled on a "First Come / First Served" basis.
We will not move some one out so you can fill their spot and we will not move you out so some one else can fill yours....First Come First Served.
Suspension components can be provided for those that are flying in.
Hint....the cost of a suspension service front and rear covers a great deal of the course cost, making this excellent value. Price includes regular service requirements...oil, gas, seals, dust seals, consumables etc are included in course price. Additional parts are at student cost.
Modifications and suspension products are available should the student choose to upgrade their suspension components whilst apart.
Advanced Seminar.....2days 30th / 31st.  $795
Exactly that.....
Detailed analysis and theory expansion. Track Testing.
Geometry, including mass centre calculation. Leverage ratio curves.
Spring modification and tube straightening.
Cost will be $795 for each clean course
Hands on $849
Lunch...meals are provided Sandwiches, rolls etc.....BBQ last day
Morning tea and afternoon tea are provided....
Coffee / tea / water / drinks biscuits cakes etc
Warning....we use actual milk from actual cows...
If you have special needs....needs not wants........let us know and we will try and accommodate.
Suspension Seminar 2025 Registration Form

Please email Jan your form : [email protected]


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